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Incohearent (Ang)

What do you meme?


Incohearent™ is the adult party game by What Do You Meme® that will get you talking! Let the laughs begin as you compete to make sense out of gibberish from one of three categories — kinky, party and pop culture.

Each card has a combination of words on the front that, when recited out loud, sound like the phrase written on the back. For example, try reciting "thirds teeth or stay" out loud. Can you hear the hidden phrase? Listen closely... you've been saying "thirsty Thursday." 

How to play:

A rotating judge flips the timer and holds a card up so that only they can see the answer, but everyone else sees the Incohearent phrase. Everyone else reads the front of the card aloud. Whoever decodes the phrase first wins the card. When the card has been decoded or the translators have elected to pass, the judge pulls the next card. Once the timer runs out or 3 cards have been decoded, the round is over, and the next person becomes the judge.

Pssst! This game is for ages 17+ due to mature content. Not intended for children. Trust us! Perfect for parties, game nights, holidays, reunions and more.

17 ans et plus
2 à 20 joueurs
20 à 40 minutes